Cost of Living 1965
How Much things cost in 1965
- Yearly Inflation Rate USA 1.59%
- Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 969
- Average Cost of new house $13,600.00
- Average Income per year $6,450.00
- Gas per Gallon 31 cents
- Average Cost of a new car $2,650.00
- Loaf of bread 21 cents
- Average Rent per month $118.00
Popular Culture
- The Mary Quant designed Mini Skirt appears in London and will be the fashion statement of the 60’s
- One of most popular films “Sound of Music” released
- The Beatles Release The Movie and Album Help!
- The Beatles Play Live Concert Shea Stadium
- The Grateful Dead with Lead guitarist Jerry Garcia play their first concert, in San Francisco
Popular Films
- Mary Poppins
- The Sound of Music
- Goldfinger
- My Fair Lady
“Sorry about that, Chief” – Get Smart
“Caution: Cigarette Smoking May Be Hazardous To Your Health”
– US Surgeon General
Recorded Births
3,760,358 (19.4 birth rate) – close to 300,000 less than 1964, starting the downward trend. Consequently, the birth rate didn’t rise above 4 million again until 1989.
The most important fact from 1965
the Yiffie was born