Back in May 2017, I posted about 7 things I hated because of others. Number 5 on that list was pet prescriptions. Well, a year later nothing is different. Not that I would’ve thunk otherwise, mind you. In fact, that damn list just got longer. Oddly enough, my ‘hate’ regarding this particular issue has changed. Sadly, the amount of pet prescriptions has increased dramatically. Yes, some of these pets have documented issues and need to be treated appropriately. However, this is not always the case.
Fido is so over playing ‘fetch’
Today when I dispense a vet prescription, I actually feel sorry for the dumb dog. Please know – I realize that dogs are not dumb by any means. It’s just a catch phrase – like “Damn kids!” Actually, it’s the situation that’s dumb. What the hell did Fido ever do to warrant medication? Truthfully, fetch gets boring. Fast. Catching a Frisbee isn’t easy, either. Especially with your mouth. And, maybe Trixie, the neighborhood poodle, was wagging her tail that certain way. I’m thinking Fido would much rather ‘style’ it up with that bitch than catch a fucking frisbee.
Rex does’t like parties
Thirty some years ago, I was young and beautifully bronzed from reckless summer days of life guarding. Without sunscreen. Gasp. Yeah, baby! Jack, the pool manager, used to have an annual bash for the employees. It was usually themed and quite fun. Unfortunately, his dog Rex didn’t like to party. To address this issue, Jack contacted his vet for some ‘doggie downers’ as they were so affectionately referenced.
Fast forward to present day. I am now old, wrinkled, and blogging about my concern for said doggie downers. Back then, I had no idea what Jack slipped Rex. Today, I know way too much than I care to about what owners are giving their pets.
Prozac, Paxil, Trazodone, Gabapentin have all been used for anxiety and stress related events in every dogs life. (Note – underlying sarcastic tone) I understand that thunderstorms, fireworks, and summer parties, can elicit anxious behavior, but, grooming?
Last, but definitely not least, there’s the go to anti-anxiety favorite for pets and owners alike – Xanax. Because, you know, even Rover attends … summer weddings.
Patches is in pain
Pain medication can also be prescribed for acute and chronic inflammatory conditions. Luckily, diagnostic tools can assess the presence of these symptoms. Unlike the ‘assumption’ that Fido is depressed because of his aversion to having things thrown at him. Meloxicam and Piroxicam are non-steroidal alternatives to reduce swelling. Tramadol has become the new staple for pain ever since Norco changed narcotic classes in light of that whole opioid crisis. Unfortunately for Fluffy, her owner likes Tramadol a bit too much. It’s pretty pathetic when a vet calls to establish dispensing parameters. Owner-resistant packaging may be the necessary deterrent to mandate. Kids can open child-resistant closures easier than most adults. So, I’m thinkin’ Fido would be quite entertained watching his owner attempt that ‘trick’.
Woof. Woof!
P.S. – I still hate mustaches.