Last minute Valentine’s Day idea

In Your Eyes                                                                         In Your Eyes cover

Robert C. Bradshaw is a dude with very similar interests to mine.  In fact, we have so much in common we’re practically the same person.  Only I’m better looking.  And funnier.  And … .  You get the idea.

Anyway, he asked if I could spotlight his latest writing endeavor.  Well, it’s more of a ‘blast from the past’, if you will.  He wrote AND self-published his book in paperback close to twenty years ago.  Recently, he decided to go the e-publishing route and went exclusively with KDP – Kindle Direct Publishing.  In  Your  Eyes  is  a love story. Ugh! Since it’s so close to Valentine’s Day, I’m thinkin’ this might make a good present.  Hint. Hint.

So, here it is.  By the way, he asked if I ask all who buy/read it to be patient, tolerant, forgiving… .  Since it’s such the dinosaur, when the book converted to the Kindle format it got like way messed.  The words are wonderful, trust me.  They just need to be medicated to fix a few obsessive-compulsive text issues that occurred in translation.  If only that could work for some of those pharmacy customers… .  But let’s not go there right now.

Click the ‘title’ link to the left of the jacket.  It’s a great read!

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