Ode to the ANNUAL ski trip

I know, I know – not ANOTHER ode.  But I really haven’t  had one recently – Ode to Idaho August 20,2014 to be exact.  Besides, this is a very special ‘Ode’.  Every year around this time I devote a post to … the  ANNUAL  ski trip.  Once again, I will have to sit it out.  Let’s just say it’s a long story, that’s … complicated.

Anyway, the word ‘ode’ was never even considered for the title.  Then, I read, really I just flipped through the pages, of the December 2014 SKI MAGAZINE.   An article entitled  Keeping It Real caught my attention.  It was basically a compilation of ‘thoughts’ and memories paying homage to skiing and basically everything related to skiing – from $18 burgers to parents reminiscing about watching their kids grow up on ski.  In fact, there were actually six entries with the word ‘Ode’ in the title.  So how could I title this post anything else?  It would be wrong.

Before I begin my rambling, I want to highlight my favorite entry.  It’s not an ‘ode’ it.  But, damn it, it should be.


First chair gets all the glory, but last chair is a better gauge of attitude.  Heck, anyone can set an alarm to roll out of bed.  But staying on the hill for the last run just ahead of the patrol sweep? That takes dedication. 

I am not a great skier.  After the first two days, the rest of the group attacks the ‘untamed territory’ on the mountain, while I peruse the groomed trails.  We meet up for lunch and heckle each other if we cross paths either skiing or from the lifts.  For me, I’m usually the recipient of said heckling, especially when I’m searching the immediate area for the fuckin’ pole I lost in my last wipeout.

But that’s okay.

For me it was and never will be just about the skiing.  These are my friends.  Friends that don’t live near the tundra that is Northern Michigan.  Friends that I’ve known for over twenty years.  And friends that are just that – my friends.  Fortunately, over the last few months I’ve seen a few on separate occasions.  But, it’s not the same.

I’ve e-mailed them all and they will not only carve it up, BUT drink very heavily.  All in my honor, of course.  Yeah, right!

Oh to be part of … the ANNUAL ski trip instead of just writing the Ode to … .

This youtube link is supposed to be ‘ the best skiing video ever’ .  It’s not.  But it is fun and appropriately compliments my post.

Also,  a snowboarder is included in the video.  Our group has one ‘boarder and the ‘Dude’ who does both – ski and snowboard.  Of course he does.  Why wouldn’t he?



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