Haven’t had an ‘Ode’* in awhile. Regardless, if anyone deserves an ‘Ode’ it is Mr. John Grisham. He IS the pop star of the written word. Other authors have written equal if not more than 28 novels like Mr. Grisham – Dean Koontz, Steven King, Nora Roberts. But few have the T. Swift mass market appeal and Madonna longevity. J. Gri is the man with da’ word; the legal word to be exact.
Entertainment Weekly recently published a ‘cheeky book questionnaire’ completed by John Grisham to celebrate the release of his latest legal thriller Rouge Lawyer. The dude even has a witty sense of humor. I hate him. Of course I don’t. I’m just jealous.
Here are some highlights from that questionnaire and Random Nonsense from me.
- The Firm was my first hard cover Grisham novel I purchased. It was an amazing thriller. Wasn’t a big fan of the movie, but I love Holly Hunter. So it wasn’t all bad.
- Presumed Innocent by Scott Turow motivated Grisham to complete A Time to Kill.
- I have a Barnes and Noble mug that has John Grisham’s mug on it. I really don’t use it. The gold rim leaves a nasty aftertaste. Really I just bought it as motivation, hoping I, too, will have my own mug someday. Only mine won’t have a gold rim.
- Of the non-legal type – one Christmas , a few baseball, and some other random topics, The Painted House is the only one I’ve read. Not a big sports book reader – even if it is fiction.
- Theodore Boone – Kid lawyer was/is a great teen series. Appealing for both young and old readers. My mother gave it to my children, but it ended up on my bookshelf – wonderful, yet simple. Besides it was entertaining research for my next project. Hmm … .
- John Le Carre is referenced as a go to book for Mr. Grisham. This would be where we disagree. The Le Carre book I read made me angry. Maybe The Little Drummer Girl is better choice. I may have to trust Grisham on this one. But I don’t know. I’m still a bit angry about how the book I read ended.
- The Partner is my favorite Grisham go-to read. Probably read that story five times.
- I, too, have pretended to read numerous books. Faulkner isn’t one of them. I just never read him.
- There’s a great ‘cheeky‘ blurb about how J.G. had to go into a book store to purchase his own book for some reason. He paid with a credit card. The clerk never said a word and ‘never looked up’. Ah, customer service at it’s finest, eh?
When Entertainment Weekly asks ME to complete a ‘cheeky book questionnaire’ , I will be honored. I will totally rock it. While I’m drinking coffee out of a Barnes and Noble mug with MY mug on it, of course. Then the only aftertaste will be that of perfectly sweet success!
*Because this is a literary based post about a literary ‘rock star’ I need to qualify one thing. An ‘Ode’ is technically a ’emotionally enthusiastic poem’. I’m not a poet, okay. But I like the word ‘Ode’ and the ‘Ode’ posts are usually emotionally enthusiastic. So … ‘Ode’ this!