(no title)

This being Labor Day, I feel compelled to share an excerpt from my novel  My  Life  As  A  Retail  Pharmacist – A  Fictionalized  Memoir  (available at amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com  ).  The original title for the book was  Ode  to  Customer  Service .  I was told this title was too vague.  The title needed to convey what the book was about.  The current title does just that.  Though I still have a hard time saying it without chuckling.  And I wrote it!

Anyway, here is my ‘ode’?!

Ron slid a small piece of paper toward me.

86. Dealing with a senior who proceeded to step over another senior having a fatal heart attack and asked how long the wait was going to be. When he was told a man was dying on the floor, he stated that he was in a hurry and couldn’t wait long. – Lauren

I read the excerpt twice. I was appalled that such an incident occurred, but never once doubted its validity. It was absurdly pathetic.


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