updates and understandings

  • First and foremost – my REVIEWS tab has been found and updated.  Thanks cousin Mike.  I decided to leave Dianne Bylo’s review on the home page.  It was my first review.  And, it’s awesome.  Why wouldn’t I?
  • I actually fixed the spelling of the word ‘essence’ in the Random Nonsense box on the right.  Though, my spell check on the edit post screen is not working.  So you know what that means – more misspelled words.  Oh, well.
  • My jaw is much better.  I went to the dentist and he actually adjusted my bite.  Felt really weird for a few days.  My mouth didn’t know what to do.  Couple that with the prescription from my doctor – I’m a man with a new jaw.
  • Still working on the whole sigh -v- diaphragmatic breath thing.  Sometimes a heavy sigh just says it best.  Furthermore, I would sound like a fuckin’ pansy if I ever corrected someone.  “That was NOT a sigh,” I would insist.  “It was a diaphragmatic breath.” See what I mean?!
  • I decided to hold off on the KOBO link.  I wanted to wait until it could benefit the local bookstores.  Neither one is ‘connected’ as of yet.  Besides, few know KOBO.  I hope it takes off and follows through on its mission statement.  Though I just received an e-mail alert from KOBO.  I guess  there’s some ‘questionable content’ in e-published material being protested in the UK.  Who knows?!

Anyway, I just reread what I had written and realized I needed to include something fun.  Enjoy.


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