These dreams

Back in July 2014, I posted   I dreamed a dream.  Below is a summary of my dream.  Though, I must say, the entire post is rather witty.  And, that was over two years ago  – kinda’ proud of that.

So, I’m in pharmacy school, plugging along, and wham I fail a class or something equally school/career altering happens that makes me re-evaluate my future/options.  Pharmacy school, like any professional degree, has classes that are sequential.  You have to pass Pharmaceutics I to go on the Pharmaceutics II.  Since the classes are only offered in specific semesters, the entire schooling tract revolves around the forward movement – passing each class.  You fail – your fucked.  In this dream, however, I never get passed the decision – I’m always faced with the decision or ,better yet, panicked by what little options exist. Often I wake up realizing I’ve had the dream, yet knowing  no resolution occurred.

Once again, my rambling  “… has nothing to do with the show  Les Miserables .  But … everything to do with  days gone by AND this hell I’m living – retail pharmacy, of course. ” 

As you may have guessed, I am still having the same damn dream; twenty-five years and counting.  However, not as often AND it has continued to change. Just not enough for me, okay. Situations and supporting characters appear, then disappear, over and over and over again.  Still, the fact remains – I fail and I am faced with the “what the fuck am I going to do now” scenario right before I awake.  One last tidbit of information that I didn’t include in the summary – I think about ‘change’, especially in my professional life, more now than I did back then.  Hm… .

In a recent conversation, I picked the brain of someone who might know something or another about dreams.  He stated that this dream is the ‘classic’  and most frequented dreamed dream.  And, regardless of my conscious efforts, there will never be resolution in my dream.  Before I could protest this unfortunate circumstance, he mentioned that there may be a way to creatively manipulate my dream.  By doing this, the new events may somehow offer a solution by shifting certain elements of the dream, changing the emphasis.  Then failure may not be the issue.  Hmm … .

Instead of it always being from my  protagonistic  point of view, I was instructed to use my conscious state to think about the dream from different perspectives.    Better yet,  personify the location. What would ‘the school’ say or how it would ‘react’?  Could the ‘supporting characters’ actually change the outcome if they were now the primary focus?  Hmmm ... .

Don’t worry, the hmm…  stops here.  I’m not that obsessive.  It really is only a dream.  Rarely do I have luxury of time to consciously think about such a trivial subject.  It’s tempting, though.  Very tempting.

Heart – These Dreams

Dream on!

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