Loveuary triFREEta

Novembeard has come and gone. Unfortunately, us men only get one month for such annual novelties. Women, on the other hand, get the remaining eleven. Give or take a few, okay?!

Case in point – February

According to the Hallmark Channel*, it is now referred to as Loveuary. There’s even a Sweepstakes! I would cut and paste the link, but I chose to refrain. (snide guttural noise of disgust implied)

Instead – I have decided to embrace the occasion and offer my own giveaway.

Today – Thursday February 03, 2022 only

All three titles are FREE

Yep, just click the book jacket icon of one or all three and download, It is that easy. And, since two of the selections are love stories,  they are wonderful gift ideas for that upcoming Loveuary holiday – even if my titles aren’t Hallmark approved. Although, I believe A Promise to Love would make an exceptional adaptation to the screen, Granted, it is probs more mainstream. However, In Your Eyes has Hallmark written all over it!

*P.S. – Some of the movies are actually well done. The Wedding Veil Trilogy is a trifecta of pure enjoyment!

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