now what?!

Well, it’s official – I AM done!

With my latest project, that is. Now, the real work begins — getting the damn thing out there so it can be the New York Times Number One Best-Seller it is destined to become. So how do I do that?

Before I mosey on down that ‘broken’ road, I deserve to wallow in my accomplishment. Hell, I have completed a 417 page manuscript that is 150,800 words — I have reason to be proud. More importantly, it’s pretty darn good. It’s a character driven story so it is a bit slower-paced. From what I’ve been told, it is well-written and compelling enough to finish. Oh, that and I pen a pretty good sex scene.

Also, I feel the need to divulge some quirky, yet unexpected writing habits I never knew I had until now. Thanks to my proof-reader for pointing out such flaws. But that is his job. If he told me my draft was perfect, I would know he was lying.

  • I like and grossly overused the word countless. Who knew, right?
  • I don’t like, but definitely overused introductory adverbs like unfortunately, however, and, wait for it, moreover. Hmmm … .
  • Most writers have problems with “,” usage. I don’t, of course. However (pun totally intended), I had a huge problem with “;” . Go figure! I blame Google. During the initial writing, I would use a “, “when I thought it was necessary. Google auto corrected immediately by highlighting the text with a blue-squiggly line. When I hovered over it to see what I did wrong, I was informed that a “;” should be used instead. Rather that be reminded of my inadequacies, I just corrected my writing pattern and used the “;” going forward. I was wrong. Correction: Google was wrong, I was just gullible. In my defense, Google never made me think otherwise.
  • the proofreader did NOT understand what I was trying to do regarding a constant theme that drove the storyline. I had to keep reminding myself that he is a teacher.  I was not paying him for creative input. Maybe I should have? Yikes!
  • That said, I did get three – count them THREE – red-pen smiley faces. It still doesn’t average out. To anything. BUT, I did get three unsolicited, positive comments. YAY!

That’s about it. I know there is MORE. There was a-l-o-t of red pen. However, my novel reads so much better with the corrections. Now, I am concentrating on getting an agent or brainstorming some other non-Amazon alternatives. I so want this book in hard cover. Oh, it will make an awesome movie, too.

Until that time, I want to celebrate this victory and offer another ALL for FREE – THREE for ALL. Today, August 03 all three titles are FREE! Just click on the desired book jacket icon(s) and download.

My break is over — back to the real work. Thankfully I have super easy read as a finished project to pitch. My initial question of ‘now what’ will soon be answered.

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