Well, it’s official. I’ve been spouting words of Random Nonsense for a year now. Hope it hasn’t been too painful for those of you who have followed. For me, it’s been great; a cathartic way to rant AND write at the same time.
Some dates that marked the way –
July 3, July 6, or July 7, 2012 was when my book My Life As A Retail Pharmacist – A Fictionalized Memoir went live on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. It was launched on July 3 but wasn’t available until July 6 or something like that. I really don’t care the exact date. I just want people to buy (read) the damn thing. Here’s the reminder if you haven’t done so already. Click that book cover icon in the upper right hand corner.
July 14, 2012 was the first post I actually kept. Since I didn’t have a theme or know what the hell I was doing, I was using the blog more like a website. I would alternate between the cover of the book and the one page synopsis. Every now and then I would throw a book excerpt in there to liven things up. What I found was that the excerpts created great blog topics. Imagine that!?
August 24, 2012 was my first random, burning question. YES, it’s fitting that the previous post was a question. NO, the questions haven’t gotten any more intelligent over the past year.
September 7, 2012 Random Nonsense was coined. It was then I decided on a theme, but to this day I still don’t know what the hell I’m doing.
Finally on January 11, 2013 I became New and Improved. Not really. I just switched processors. From what I’ve read, all the famous people use Tumblr. – Beyoncé, Ireland Baldwin and countless others. Apparently, I’m still in their data base as active because I received congratulations and a picture of a cupcake for my anniversary. But I’m still happy here. It’s more manageable for a non-computer geek like me. Though, I think I need another makeover soon. We’ll see where that goes. I’ve been trying to add a ‘Reviews’ tab for some time now and that hasn’t worked. And let’s not even bring up that cutting and pasting stars from the reviews. As for that cupcake … .
I’m working on a ‘best of’ post to accompany this, but that will take some time, of course. I remember what I’ve written. However going back and re-reading what I’ve written – that’s another story.