Random Nonsense

It’s decided – Random Nonsense is the theme/essense of this blog.  At least for now.  My wife came up with the idea.  But it was I that coined what I said during that particular conversation as being just that – Random Nonsense.  Unfortunately that’s usually all I say; just ramblings on about stupid shit.

Anyway I’m relieved to have a purpose. Though having Random Nonsense as a purpose is … .

And I will have to plug that book I wrote, too.  At least until it goes viral or whatever the term is and sells shitloads of copies.  Till then, please be patient. 

One more thing.  I promise not to rant pharmacy unless something really makes me crazy, of course.  Immunizations for example. That WAS my original handicap with this ‘blog for the book concept’.  I didn’t want to be that.

Random Nonsense it is!

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