soup’s on

Apparently, January is National Soup Month.  So, it makes complete sense that I am posting a soup  recipe … in February.  (Pause)

Remember, my timing is total shit.  That is why this is perfectly in line.  Besides, I haven’t had a cooking entry in a while.  And, this one is quick, easy, and quite good –  if, you like garlic.

Thirty-Clove Garlic Soup

  • 2 heads garlic, halved crosswise
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 4 cups vegetable stock (this is a Martha recipe – she requests it be homemade)
  • 8 ounces Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled and chopped
  • salt/pepper/seasoning of choice
  • grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese for serving

Those are the ingredients per Martha.  I was going to include her exact directions, but then decided to post my abbreviated version instead.  It’s so much more kitchen friendly.

  1. Drizzle garlic with olive oil and sprinkle with seasoning.  Wrap tightly in parchment paper, then aluminum foil.  Bake in oven at 375 for approximately 45 minutes.
  2. Boil potatoes in vegetable stock until done – let cool.  (NOTE – if I’m in a real hurry, I use less stock, then to cool the spuds quicker I add ice.  Sometimes vegetable stock is … strong.  Diluting with the cubes helps mellow the flavor.)
  3. Once garlic is roasted, remove from papery skin and place in potato/stock mix.
  4. Puree the soup in batches. Then, reheat.  If the soup is too think, add water or stock until smoother consistency.
  5. Sprinkle with that grated P-R cheese that I don’t use and, quite frankly, have never heard of.

Truthfully, I think even if you aren’t a garlic fan, this soup would be palatable.  It’s very smooth. I had thoughts about highlighting the advantages of garlic. But, that’s too much work right now.  I’m all about simplicity this post. Granted, some of the health benefits are reduced by roasting. Regardless, garlic IS the bomb!

I put my daughter to task to find an appropriate musical selection to close. I wanted something to celebrate enjoying soup on a cold February evening. This IS a Martha recipe – so, it’s all about the presentation and …

Soup really is good food!

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