Well, I thought I would do a mid-year recap. I just had my blog reworked. So, an updates and understandings post was Shirley in order. Though, I probably should’ve done this post first. Then, I would be able to move forward with a clean, Blank Space. I originally wanted to incorporate these two posts into one. However, there were just too many words. Besides, casual references to previous posts in the body of another would’ve been as lost in translation as my … Likes. Speaking of that, I boldly decided to go where no Blog has gone before – I deleted the damn icon. Honestly, the Like button reminds of receipt surveys. That being said, on with the … register.
- My daughter keeps discovering bands of my youth. Vinyls aren’t very mobile. So, she inherited my hand held (wait for it) cassette player/recorder. #ClassicRewind, gorlfriend. In case you are wondering, her table manners still resemble that of an 80’s mix tape.
- I actually (pauses intended) referenced the icon for A Promise to Love and my horrorscope of a summer in the last post – way done with both of those issues. Though, I’m certain to get some shade for Mr. Bradshaw. His book cover is considerably smaller than My … Fictional Memoir. It’s a personal problem. He’s used to it.
- Baked oatmeal and pumpkin anything are appropriate any season – even in a picnic basket. In January.
- Attention: Taylor Swift and those similarly minded – Boys only want love, girls. Torture is way over-rated. My daughter vehemently disagrees. Teen-aged boys are actually that dumb. (pauses so exaggerated)
- Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. I’m thinkin’ a Red, Red Wine post is on tap. However, Rose’ will always make me blush.
- Considering I’m doing a mid-year review in, like, February, my resolution to resolve may be mute. Maybe next year? Fortunately for us regulars, there are fewer new faces at the gym. Hopefully, those checks were mailed!
- Our new thermostat is working quite well. The technician crossed a few wires. Yikes! Ironically, I never received an e-mail survey like originally informed. The what the fuckness of that whole situation still makes me crave cole slaw.
- One last comment from the Yoda of all that is Blog – my Random Nonsense content is now mobile friendly. He so delivered, eh? Oh, and, that e-mail alert regarding the Amazon Book Links page was nicely ...timed. If I don’t say so myself.
Well, that’s about it. I will officially move forward into February with Classic Editor and a Cowboy Cookie for the Balloon Ride. Before I waft off to postal Oz, I want to end my recap with one last quote from the quintessential mind of ‘power‘ behind a fictitious coupling.
I am a brain, Watson. The rest of me is a mere appendix.
Sherlock Holmes